We’re Jeff & Cathy Evans, empty nesters who spent four years as full-time RVers. After a lifetime in California, we sold our house and hit the road in our motorhome. We’ve been through all lower 48 states and into Canada. You can see where we’ve been at the links above.

We’ve slowed down now and after seven years exploring in our motorhome, we’re taking some time off the road. Well taking new adventures as we cruise and fly around the world. Please follow us as we continue our adventures.

For us, “it’s not the destination, but the adventures along the way.”

Clients have no fear! We’re equipped with state of the art wifi and continue to run our businesses while on the road.

JC-Evans-New-Logo490x124Jeff Evans is also President and CEO of JC-Evans, Inc., a media consulting and advertising agency. For more than a quarter century, Jeff has been helping political candidates, businesses and non-profits. Check out his website for more information: jcevans.com


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