As we plan our 2022 travels, it’s been fun to look back on the past seven years of adventures. It’s hard to believe we rolled out of Sacramento in April of 2015 for a life of full-time travel. We didn’t know what to expect, but we knew we’d have fun.

After more than 89,000 miles of travel, we have to say it’s been the adventure of a lifetime. We’ve visited all 48 lower states and made quick trips into Canada visiting Vancouver and Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Last year we traveled 13,441 miles making it our third highest miles traveled year. The overall total included back and forth trips from our house in Nevada to the new condo in South Padre Island, Texas. That accounted for almost 5,000 miles of the total.

We also took a summer trip visiting family and friends in California before heading up to Oregon and Washington.

Here’s the year’s summary:

Miles driven: 13,441
Nights in RV Parks/Campground: 234
Nights dry camping: 31

This year we’re excited to head back to Florida to visit family we haven’t seen in a couple of years. From there we’re planning to work our way up the East Coast and, if the borders are open, visit Canada to see Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

Happy Trails 2022!